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Sunday, January 18, 2009


Hello Dolly,

I read you email and i just want to tell you some points which we all know:-

1) If people are saying pakistan is behind the terrorist attacks , we are not saying every pakistani citizens are involved .. but few people who have something else in their weird mind did try to understand this....

2) Few years back , Afganistan was blamed for so many things . but now they are been helped by so many countries just because they were not following Taliban's ideology.Now they are on the way to live thier lifes happily.

3) Saudi arabia , why no body critisizes them ? although most number of people thier are muslims ? Because they learned how to run for development but not for idiotic idealogies. offcourse people still have thier religious charaterstics intact with them.

Nobody want to blame ISLAM (may be few are there but it doesn't matter) . The case here is -  A newly born baby doesn't know what is bad ...... Chiristanism, Hinduism or Islamism...But as he grows .. after getting inputs from various people he decides what is wrong and what is correct...

You can't deny with that fact that now a days almost (i am saying "almost" ) all terrorist attacks are being exectued on the name of GOD "ALLAH" . If people dont want to accept that its fine and will tell you one thing here, this is the only problem existing which has adverse effects.. if you are suffering from a diseases .. accept that .... ask for a doctor....

I am a Hindu but i dont believe on extremist who use religion as a weapon to fight against people. We all know that no religion says his followers that kill people to get heaven... but over the years we saw how JIHAD was used to kill people all over the world.. you believe it or not ... this is fact.... and one thing here - its not a one day story that some body was going to sleep and got a thought in mind to blame ISLAM , its really a few people from your community whose brutal act are making others to think like that.

As far as Israel and gaja is concerned , what ever happened was not acceptable from either perspectives....hamas is not a social organization ... from years they were involved in bombings occured in Israel, now when Israel attacked .. thousands of palestians got killed including childerens and womens...seize fire is already been called off...People say hamas is fighting for freedom ... in 21st century do you still think that somebody is not free in expresing his/her thoughts?? ("as they say freedom")..... just to follow an idiotic psycology cannot be called as fighting for freedom....

Dolly things you said about ISLAM are true  .. just to add here .. there were inteviews conducted with Sharukh khan , Aamir khan , Javed akhtar the Indian bollywood celeberties and they all say that yes ISLAM never teaches anybody to kill people but thier are few people who are using Allah's name for spreading terror....

One last thing to add here .. if somebody keeps on repeating .. that "i cant be wrong"... "you are always wrong".... "you are always blaming us"...."you have the problem and not us".... This attitude can never help you to understand that "You could be wrong at some point"...Not a single religion in this world have everything perfect in them and we the people of this generation have to think that ... DO WE WANT TO CONTNIUE AND LIVE WITH THESE LOOP HOLES ARE WE WANT TO OVERCOME THAT... CHOICE IS OUR OWN>>>>>

Have respect for all religions.. no body can DIVIDE ABD RULE my dear unless we are afraid that somebody can sepearte us. These are not just sentences ... Just try to understand that... simply replying in agrressive manner will ruin the motive of the email from Dolly and myself.


--- On Mon, 19/1/09, Rehman Sheikh <> wrote:
From: Rehman Sheikh <>
Date: Monday, 19 January, 2009, 9:51 AM

This is the best mail i have ever read in my life.......Now is there any one in this whole group who could reply to this mail ??
No one will try to do it.....Coz Truth tastes Bitter.....! ! Remember USA & ISRAEL is not trying to fight Terrorism but they have given birth to Terrorism... .

--- On Sun, 1/18/09, dolly quraishi <dollyquraishi@> wrote:
From: dolly quraishi <dollyquraishi@>
To: "My Group" <MumbaiHangout@ yahoogroups. com>
Date: Sunday, January 18, 2009, 6:55 PM

Why blame Islam?


Individuals, not religions, carry out inhuman acts.


 Islam is a religion of peace, accepted and practiced by more than 1.25 billion people worldwide. It is the fastest-growing religion in the world, and if it was what some critics claim, why should the people from all walks of life from around the world keep embracing Islam? Where is the sword now?


In Islam, a person has the right to defend himself, his family, his country or his neighbor(s), which justifies the resistance being offered by the people of Afghanistan, Bosnia, Chechnya, Iraq, Kashmir and Palestine, to attacks on their soils by the so-called liberators, who are actually the occupiers.


The Holy Qur'an clearly states that if a person saves one life, it's as if he saved humanity, and if a person kills one human being, it's as if he killed humanity.


What is happening in the enslaved Muslim countries is a natural reaction to occupation, bombings, killing and terrorizing of innocent civilians (children, old men and women), rapes, in addition to looting of resources, national antiques and artifacts, above all the destruction of their property by the occupiers.


Terror breeds terror.


We assure those who bash Islam that if there was no occupation in this world by foreign invaders, there would be no resistance – the so-called terror.


We would like those who criticize Islam to explain the following acts committed by the Christians on Jews, other Christians and Muslims alike, throughout history:


- Hundreds of thousands of Muslim men, women and children killed by the crusaders, who were Christians.


- Inquisition of Jews and Muslims from Spain by Queen Isabella, a Christian.


- Millions of people killed by the European and American Christians during the two world wars and the civil wars.


- Atrocities committed on millions of Jews and Christians by Adolph Hitler, a professed Christian.


- Hundreds of thousands of Christians killed every year by the Irish Christians, including the British and the IRA, both Catholics and Protestants, during the past few centuries. Why they are not blamed to be "Christian Terrorists, or Catholic Terrorists, or Protestant Terrorists?"


Both of them believe in Jesus Christ, who told them to turn the other cheek, and both of them believe in the same Lord, Who commanded that "Thou shall not kill." Period. 


-         Timothy McVeigh, who bombed the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, OK, in the United States of America, was a Catholic. Are all Catholics terrorists?


For more than sixty (60) years, the Zionists are actively involved in the genocide of a whole nation, killing a number of Muslims in the occupied territories of Palestine on a daily basis with machine guns, missiles from helicopters, tanks, and bombs from F16s, under the watch of the western countries, the so-called champions of the human rights. How do you explain that?


Just by labeling the freedom fighters as terrorists and launching another holocaust on the poor Palestinians as revenge will not wipe out the crimes or the guilt of Hitler! Where are the justice, equality, freedom, and above all the human tights of Palestinians, dead or alive, propagated by these champions of human rights?


Last but not least, the bombings, killings, lynching, murders and raping of innocent Native American Indians and black slaves (Afro-Americans) committed by the so-called Christians in the United States during the past 200 years of history. What about them?


Will those filled with hate for Islam blame Christianity for the above inhuman acts by Christians in various parts of the world since its inception?


If not, then why are they blaming the religion of Islam for what is a natural reaction to occupation of Muslim countries by foreign invaders?


Most importantly, these folks should know that the three (3) great Abrahamic religions – Judaism, Christianity and Islam – have one common basis, and that is one God Almighty.


"All men (and women) are created equal, and we all are one nation under Almighty God," is a clear cut statement according to the Holy Qur'an and is very well elucidated in the Constitution of these United States, one of the champions of the human rights.


Lastly, yet importantly, as brothers in humanity, we recommend those Islamophobists filled with prejudice to get life and an education in the history of Islam and Muslims, before they dare to write nasty letters, articles, and news releases, using out of context verses from the Holy Qur'an and distorted statements from the true traditions of our Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him), full of personal, ingrain hate and vendetta against Islam and Muslims.


We would be pleased to provide anyone with free copies of the Holy Qur'an and Islamic literature in English or any other language, which would help them to understand the truth about Islam and Muslims and get rid of all hate from their systems, God willing.


May God Almighty show the light to all those, who believe in one mankind, as children of Adam and Eve, hence brothers and sisters, no matter what they believe in, Amen.


"The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values or religion but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact, non-Westerners never do."
- Samuel P. Huntington (author The Clash Of Civilisations)

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