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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

{M:H:O} Halloween festival - A Spiritual Perspective

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1. Introduction to the Halloween festival

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Halloween is celebrated in many countries, especially in countries like the United States of America and the United Kingdom. The festival has all the trappings of evil. The Police and fire department have learnt to be on alert and prepare in advance for a sharp rise in anti-social behaviour to coincide with the annual festival. However while parents caution their children about encountering unpleasant strangers on this day, they are unaware that beneath the veneer of fun and frolic of Halloween festivities, is an even more sinister unseen force at work.


Just as an environment of reverence in a place of worship is conducive to positive divine forces, the elements of this tradition actively contribute to the increased activity of negative energies like ghosts.

On Halloween night, adults and children dress up as creatures from the underworld (ghosts, ghouls, zombies, witches, goblins), light bonfires, and enjoy spectacular fireworks displays. The houses are decorated by carving pumpkins or turnips into scary faces. Some of the most popular yard decorations are jack-o'-lanterns, scarecrows, witches, orange and purple string lights, life-like decorations such as skeletons, spiders, pumpkins, mummies, vampires and other monstrous creatures. Other morbid decorations are foam tombstones and gargoyles.

In this article, with knowledge gained through spiritual research we explain the spiritual ill-effects of this festival and its short-term and long-term effects on people.


2. Spiritual effect of celebrating Halloween

At the outset, let us familiarise ourselves with a basic law of Spiritual science which states that �The word, touch, form, taste, smell and its related energy coexist. This means where the word �God is present, Gods attendant divine energy is also present. That is why we feel better afterchanting the Name of God or praying to Him.

Similarly where the name and form of ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) exist such as on Halloween, their distressing energy is also present. As the form and colour of the decorations and costumes used in Halloween are similar to that of ghosts, they act as antennae (similar frequency conduits) to attract a lot of negative distressing energy such as the common ghost.

In fact spiritual research has revealed that Halloween is a festival that was created by negative energies with the objective of generating and spreading their black negative energy in society. Very often negative energies such as ghosts, demons, etc. put thoughts in peoples minds to start traditions that are steeped in raja-tama so that they can influence people through them.

With the attraction of ghosts to this celebration, the following are the main adverse effects on people and the environment in places where Halloween is celebrated.


2.1 Increased activity by ghosts

In places where Halloween is celebrated, the activity of ghosts increases by 10%. Due to the increased activity of ghosts and the negative vibrations created by the various costumes and decorations, the raja-tama in the environment goes up by 30% on the evening/night of 31st October, i.e. the time Halloween is celebrated. This is a very significant increase and has a heightened adverse effect at a spiritual level for a week. The effect then slowly subsides over a 3 month period.

Even during natural events such as eclipses, full moon and new moon there is an increased activity of ghosts. However this is due to natural phenomena. However in the case of Halloween, the increase in the activity of ghosts is purely man made.


2.2 The increased risk of possession by common ghosts

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Please refer to the article on, �What is the meaning of being �affected by ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) and being �possessed by ghosts (demonic possession)?

In the table below we give the effect on three types of people at an individual level � active adult participants in the festivities, active child participants in the festivities and those not actively participating.




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Refer to the article on �How much of the worlds population is affected and possessed by ghosts?

2.3 Type of ghost more likely to take advantage of Halloween festivities

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The type of ghost that is most likely to take advantage of the festivities is the common ghost (bhoot)






2.4 Wearing of black on Halloween

During the festivities black is the predominant colour worn and used. Since the colour black is taamasik in nature, it has maximum capacity to attract and transmit negative and distressing frequencies in the environment, i.e. to the extent of 70%. This means, out of all the possible negative vibrations (ghosts included) that there can be in the environment, the colour black can attract up to 70% of them. 
Also refer to the articles, �What is the best colour of clothes to wear to a funeral?


2.5 Food specific to Halloween

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On Halloween day it is common to have cakes and other types of food in the form of tombstones, haunted houses, cut off hands, etc. As per the spiritual rule explained above that the form of an object and its related energy coexist (This rule is more applicable to solid objects.),  these food objects, due to their shape act as another conduit for increased attack by negative energies such as common ghosts by as much as 30%.  





3. What you can do to protect yourself from the spiritual ill-effects of Halloween


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