on RSS

See how he flips-flops on the RSS,
exonerating it and later indicting it for conspiracy.
Liberhan (para 43.11, p241) refers
� to allegations of training
and rehearsal for the demolition,
concludes that,
� even though there are doubts,
� it was not safe to hazard a finding
about training in the absence of conclusive evidence.
he says in the very next page
(paras 43.15-27 p242-45) that
'it was never in dispute that they (karsevaks)
had the ability to carry out the demolition'
— which is exactly
the opposite of what he says earlier.
How come that
� 'there is no conclusive
� evidence of training for karsevaks for demolition'
in para 43.11 becomes,
'it was never in dispute that the
� karsevaks have the ability to carry
� out the demolition'
in para 43.19?

A flip-flop!
Again Liberhan notes
(paras 43.15/43.19/43.27) that
� tempers among the emotionally surcharged
� and belligerent karsevas started rising,
� but
(in para 158.10, page 917),
� against all the evidence to the contrary,
� that 'the theory or the claim made
� by the leaders of the movement' …
� 'does not carry conviction to conclude
that the demolition was carried out by
� the karsevaks spontaneously or sheer anger or emotions'.

Again a flip-flop!!
Liberhan notes
(paras 43.12/13, p253) that
a defiant group of karsevaks breached
� the security cordon
'despite the resistance offered by
the RSS swayamsevaks'

'the RSS swayamsevaks succeeded
� in physically throwing the intruders from the platform'
� 'no visible substantial resistance
was put up by the police or the
� administration for stalling the intruders'.
� All this was in the presence of
� Advani and M M Joshi.
� Thus the evidence clearly proves
� that the RSS, on its part,
was determined to protect the structure.

� But
in defiance of this direct evidence,
� he concludes,
� in the end, that the RSS was the main
conspirator to demolish the structure.
� But
why would the RSS volunteers
throw the intruders out if the RSS
was conspiring to demolish?

Again a flip-flop!!!
Suspicions as conclusions,
against evidence
against all evidence in his possession
� and no evidence to support him except
his own high propensity to suspect,
Liberhan conclusively suspects that
not only Advani against whom Liberhan has,
� in possession,
� evidence that establishes that he had tried
� to prevent the demolition, and others,
� but,
also A B Vajpayee — yes Vajpayee —
was part of the conspiracy.

See his sequential
for holding that the BJP leaders
� are culpable: one,
it cannot assumed even for a moment that L K Advani,
� A B Vajpayee and M M Joshi
did not know the designs of the parivar;
they could not have defied
the mandate of the parivar;
the BJP is appendage of the parivar;
� four,
� they could not be given the benefit of doubt!
� (para 166.11, p943).
That is, they should be not exonerated,
� but
indicted, on doubt!
Is this logic any different from the gossip
in street corner tea stalls and coffee shops
� like how could
Dr Manmohan Singh be not aware
of the payoff in the Spectrum scam,
so he should also be indicted?
� The Liberhan report is worse than street corner gossip.

Sriram Savarkar ©
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